Wild Game Immunity Bone Broth


- 2 kg of bones (venison, goat, kangaroo)

- 1 head of garlic 

- 4 onions 

- 2 thumb sized pieces of ginger

- Organic Celery (2x stalks)

- 2 table spoons of salt

- 1 table spoon of pepper corns

- 1 tablespoon of coriander seeds


1. Break the bones with the back of a large knife or an axe to expose the marrow 

2. Roast the bones in the oven on a tray with the onion and garlic, drizzle some olive oil and some salt before you roast

3. In a pan throw in the coriander seeds, pepper corns and star anise until they begin to roast and let off there great smells.

4. Throw all ingredients in a pot, fill the pot up with water. You don’t want it full to the top as it will be simmering and may over flow. 

5. I normally simmer it for at least 3-4 hours, sometimes up to 8 hours just depends how much time you have.

6. Pour the broth through a colander and either drink it like a tea in a mug or as a soup. I sip on it throughout the day! Perfect if you have a cold, during winter. If you have any old loved ones and you don’t want them getting sick with the flu make them this!! Fuck the Rona ✌🏻






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