Live Deer Breakdown - Zoom

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During this Zoom I will be sharing my knowledge on how I break down a whole deer. This same technique can be used for most large mammals as they all have very similar bodies.

This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in learning skills in self-sufficiency and living off the land, particularly if you are unable to attend a course. It will enable you to break down a whole animal in all the different cuts, allowing you to have a better understanding when preparing to cook these animals in the kitchen

The offering:

- A complete deer breakdown

- Talk about each cut and how it can be used in the kitchen

-Questions and answers throughout the breakdown.

- A zoom recording, that will be able to be re-watched as many times as you require.

I want people to know that this offering is how I like to break down the animal, it is not the only way or the best way. I'm not a butcher by trade or a chef by trade, but I can confidently say I know how to live off wild meat and fish here in Australia and have been for over 4 years now. I grew up in a family of hunters, and wild game has been a part of my life ever since I can remember.

I hope to change the perspectives on wild game around the world, and also for the hunters out there, improving their knowledge on the different cuts of meat that normally get left out in the field. When living off wild game and fish being resourceful is a very important philosophy to embrace, so I hope that this will bring you closer to a self-sufficient lifestyle and broaden your knowledge of wild game processing and cooking in your lives.


Occurring:  Tuesday (16/04/2024) at 6:00.

Recording will be available post-event.


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